Ah, the summertime, the warm breeze and dazzling sunshine... against katana blades and simmering fans. It's summer in Japan on SL and Geisha Dreams has released a new kimono for the summer and Hana Katsuraya has released a new kanzashi. Mizuiro is a part of the Sanpo Collection at Geisha Dreams. Also, if you're a group member you get a free sample of her new skins, one of which I am wearing in these photos. ^^ Both the kimono and the skin are from the creative mind of Aryanna DeCuir. Must haves!
Hana has released the new kanzashi, Karyukai. This quote is straight from her note card that comes with the kanzashi.
"This collection features some of the themes of early summer that are less commonly seen in kanzashi. Yuri (百合) or lily, is one of the most beautiful flowers of early summer, and depending on the color or species can represent a number of qualities in Japanese culture. The other kanzashi motif is a combination of nadeshiko (撫子), or dianthus, and yanagi (柳), or willow, layered on a parasol of metallic mizuhiki cord, and evokes an image unique to the geisha culture of the karyukai (花柳界), or flower and willow world." -Hana Hendrassen
All of her kanzashi are so beautifully detailed. She's an amazing creator.
Aoi and I are modeling these and he is wearing a sexy off-the-shoulder kimono from So What? We happened upon this little shop in the Catch a shooting star hunt! The kimono is called, ++ wa gi (black and red) I edit most my pics for artistic effect, the last one is unedited so you can see how they look in world. Enjoy ^^
Geisha Dreams
Hana Katsuraya
So What?
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