We are still in the middle of Golden Week over in Japan. If you were wondering, Golden Week is as follows. First, Showa Day is April 29, the birthday of the former emperor. Second, May 3 is Constitution Day, or Japan's post war commemorating that constitution. Third, May 4 is Green Day for growing plants and things and showing appreciation for them. May 5 is Children's Day, a day which traditionally, boys fly carp-shaped kites or flags and children as well as mother's are honored.
Happy Golden Week, everyone!
May is here! Seasonal flowers are always the motif in Japan, and this month the star flower is the wisteria. Therefore, it's time for a change in kanzanshi in May. We'll go from the small delicate pink sakura petals to the long bold purple wisteria that people in Japan wear in this month! Just when the last sakura petal falls, you would think Hanami would be over. Oh no, it's time for wisteria viewing and having that last spring picnic under wisteria petals before the summer begins.
Wisteria kanzashi hang loosely and playfully over the hair. I personally love wisteria, since purple is my all time favorite color. Wisteria has been associated with kimonos for years. Here's a few nice pics for you to see. So in keeping with the love of kimono's I have on a very nice Falln Angel wisteria kimono. I love the spring green color and it goes so well with purple wisteria kanzashi from Tenran.
Enjoy the kimono, wisteria, and golden week!